BabyBond Nursing Sash

Nursing in public is really uncomfortable especially when you don’t have any nursing cover. Whenever we are in public and Elijah  wants to breastfeed, I have to find a place where there are no people so he can breastfeed with no distractions.
I joined contests with Babybond nursing sash giveaways and luckily I won. Thanks to The All-Around Mom for hosting the contest. I was super excited in using the nursing sash the first time I received it. With my new nursing sash, I can now nurse Elijah freely even in public!

About the DESIGNER:

I learned that preverbal skills, eye contact, and attention are vital to cognitive and language development as I trained to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. However, it wasn’t until I became a mother that I fully understood and lived these truths. I believe every experience is a learning experience and that breastfeeding offers infinite opportunity to interact and communicate with your baby. And, although not typical, each of our four children spoke in eight word sentences by age two.

My determination to incorporate breastfeeding into my lifestyle meant nursing in public everywhere. It also taught me a lot about myself. I discovered that refusing to cover my baby’s head while nursing did not leave many options. I did not feel attractive when I lifted my shirt to nurse because I found myself slouching forward and it revealed my postnatal stomach and back. I also felt that by exposing my breasts, the intimacy shared between my husband and me was somehow compromised… I wanted to keep some things just for us. Please understand that these are my feelings based on my experience, and I understand that each of us has our own unique perception.

After having four babies, my closet was full of nursing tops that were not flattering and quite pricey. In December, 2006 during a 2 am feeding, I envisioned a nursing accessory that would cover mom but not her baby. The next morning, I cut and sewed one of my husband’s t-shirts into the prototype for the Slurp & Burp®. Since then, I have designed three product lines to meet the needs of a variety of nursing moms and babies. We have since rebranded to BabyBond™, a name that highlights the primary benefit of our products.

Nursing with BabyBond allows you to bond with your baby and make eye contact since your baby is not covered up by the blanket or nursing cover! It is an innovative design that allows complete coverage of Mommy while keeping Baby completely uncovered.

Three different types of BabyBond:

BabyBond Couture™

-is adjustable creating a custom fit as your body changes after baby arrives. A hybrid between nursing top and belly band, it can be worn to nurse from the top or the bottom of your shirt so it works with your entire wardrobe. When worn like a sash, it functions like a nursing top. When worn like a belt, it functions like a belly band. Rolls up into self-storing pouch.

BabyBond Original™

-is worn like a sash, functioning like a nursing top. Nurse from the top of your shirt. Separate the layers of fabric to achieve latch on. Double panel keeps breast covered above & below. Belly & back remain covered with your own shirt. Built-in 9 x 12″ double layer terry velour burp cloth. Stores in matching pouch.

BabyBond Flex™

-is worn like a sash, functioning like a nursing top. Nurse from the top of your shirt. Separate the layers of fabric to achieve latch on. Double panel keeps breast covered above & below. Belly & back remain covered with your own shirt. Removable 9 x 12″ double layer terry velour burp cloth. Able to attach any cloth or wear without cloth attached. Stores in matching pouch.


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