Gender Prediction Based On Baby’s Heart Rate

There are many ways to find out a baby’s gender. There is the Chinese gender chart, Drano/Draino gender prediction test, needle or wedding ring prediction test and the old wives tale.

One of the most popular old wives tale in gender prediction is the baby’s heart rate. It said that you are carrying a baby girl if the heart rate is above 40 bpm and having a lower heart rate ( below 140 bpm) means you are carrying a baby boy.

But two medical studies in different year disproved that gender prediction can be based on the baby’s heart rate. A senior sonographer on 1980’s saw that the heart beat has nothing to with gender prediction throughout pregnancy after measuring 10,000 heart rates. Another study conducted in 2006 have the same result after analyzing over 500 births.

There are different ways to predict your baby’s gender and don’t depend on one old wives tale only. You can try them all if you want or better go to the nearest clinic for an ultrasound.


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