My 7th DMPA Shot

My 7th DMPA shot will be on Thursday next week but since we are going to Bulacan to celebrate Svetlana’s birthday and family reunion, I have to visit the health center and ask if I can have my shot today. New faces welcomed me as I enter the health center. The nurses and attendants who I used to see for the past two years are not there anymore. Anyway, I was not given a shot today since my schedule is next week. They advised me to have my DMPA shot at any health center in Bulacan.

I hope this will not cause any problem on August. I hope they will not ask me why is my card signed by other health worker who is based in Bulacan. I love all the staff in the health center near us but there are times that I don’t understand them. They are cranky when there are lots of patients and some are not following rules.

My mom knows where can I get a free DMPA shot. Will probably go there than to visit a private clinic and pay for more than 500php.


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