When Online Poker Becomes Your Friend

Chicken pox is one of the illnesses I dread the most. I can still vividly remember how miserable I felt when I had no choice but to be cooped up inside the house when I had chicken pox a couple of years ago- and to think that was around Christmastime! Nothing could possibly be un-sexier than those nasty blisters all over my body, and the itch that tortured me like hell.

The isolation made me so depressed, to say the least. I was stuck within the confines of my house with nothing to do but count the number of cars passing by our street. And then I turned to the internet.

The World Wide Web then became my best friend during those lonely moments. I started playing online poker on Facebook, and enjoyed it immensely. I was never a good player way back in college, but online, I seem to have a flair for it. And then I tried out iGame fast poker and enjoyed it even more. I loved the challenge and the fact that it made time pass by so quickly. I think I played from morning till night, pausing only for bathroom breaks and quick meals.

I guess, online poker can be your friend when you’re almost at wit’s end. All hope is not lost when it seems that the whole world has been cut off from you. You can simply play a game of online poker, and once again, you feel life surging through your body.


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