Is going Vegan a good idea?

Veganism is on the rise. More than half a million people in the UK are claiming to have followed a vegan lifestyle. According to new figures released to coincide with World Vegan Day, vegan food sales have gone up as much as three and half times what it was a decade back!

I stumbled across veganism while talking to one of my online buddies Sarah in a chat room. She has been a complete vegan for the past 5 years. She forwarded me a couple of videos and inspired me a lot to take it up.

About 542,000 people in Britain follow a vegan diet refraining from consuming any animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and honey, and also dairy products such as milk and cheese. This has in fact become one of Britain’s fastest-growing lifestyle movements.

The health benefits of a vegan diet are the talk of the town. Vegans typically are said to have lower levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, a healthy body, and a reduced risk of having heart disease and cancer. Environmental and welfare issues are also contributing to the swelling numbers turning away from food sourced from animals.

At times my family is a little less supportive of my diet. Dad worries about me getting enough protein. However Mum has been supportive. She has high blood pressure and other food intolerances, so we have always had alternative stuff at home.

The movement is mostly contributed by young people which is more of a compassionate choice – Around 42% of the movement by the age group of 15-34 compared to 14% who are over 65 –which proves that this an awareness-based program.

Keeping healthy is critical to being successful as a vegan. Make sure that you research what to eat before or while changing your diet according to your body type.


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