Know Stroke. Act Now.

My mom was rushed in the hospital 2 weeks ago because her right part of the body was numbing. No one knew about her condition since my mom was left in the house alone. It was only in the late afternoon that we found out that she can no longer speak and move well because my aunt called me to check mom was alright.

I have seen her many times confined in the hospital for giving birth and miscarriage but this one is different and it was heart breaking for me to see that the woman who is giving me strength since birth is in a serious condition. She is one tough woman, she never let us feel and see that she’s afraid or in pain.

Having Ischemic stroke doesn’t make her think negatively or even feel useless. She is trying her very best to do everything from household to chores to working online as if nothing happened. To date, she can now walk and take a bath with no help. She can use her right hand for some light work. That is only two weeks and she is showing a big progress.

My love for fatty food is still there but I am cutting it as early as possible as I do not want to suffer the same thing mom has experienced. I am not as tough as her and this is not only about being tough but also being healthy and free.


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