Unique Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is fast approaching and I am not ready yet. I want our Christmas to be special this year. We never tried gift giving before so I want to do it this year. We have a box full of


Best iPad 2 Apps For Toddlers

Kids these days have their own iPhone, iPad, iPod and tablet. I bought my son his own iPad 2 this year and he is not only enjoying but also learning from it. There is nothing wrong in buying your


Making New Friends At Age 3

My 3-year old Elijah is starting to like her cousin Svetlana ( 4 y/0). They always fight during their younger age and I guess it’s part of growing up. They now play and cooperate with each other. They may


Getting inspired to write your essay

Inspiration is a very big factor in essay writing. It’s the soul of the essay. Without inspiration, it’s quite hard to write something interesting, deep or smart. All these are factors which will determine whether or not you get full marks


​Homeschooling or Public School?

Though I am a teacher in a public school, who believes in education through certified teachers, I find myself willing to come to the defence of those families who choose to educate their children in the home. Home schooling