Swimming Party

My two cousins from London are going to have a vacation here in the Philippines. Faye, will celebrate her 21st birthday in the airplane. Yes. They are going to travel on her birthday. They planned an overnight swimming exclusively


Growing In Years

A 2-year old child can talk orderly in simple but complete sentences so you can interact with him like a normal child. The child can have the ability to follow, understand and obey (in a happy way) rules what


Toddler Constipation

Constipation is a common health problem that means irregular bowel movement. A person having three or fewer bowel movement in a week is said to be constipated. Don’t worry if your child is suffering from constipation because it’s normal


Teeth Bleaching During Pregnancy

There is no enough evidence to show that bleaching your teeth during pregnancy can be harmful or safe to you and your baby. Frequent dental visits and appointments are still important during pregnancy. Newer technologies offer laser for teeth