A 2-year old child can talk orderly in simple but complete sentences so you can interact with him like a normal child. The child can have the ability to follow, understand and obey (in a happy way) rules what is told to do for them. He can be enormously condifent when he now has the tendency to walk alone strongly and climb on any high places. When he is happy and when he remember things that are special to him, he randomly jumps alone while looking intently above the ceiling. He knows how to dress up by himself after he takes a a bath (but needs a little assistance) and if he does it, he will proudly show himself to you that he can dress up with his own hands.
Eventually, he can also name things he always see or familiariaze and can put them in an order or category. Many children copy what others do (even in television!) and do them to others too because he wants to do things whether it will do any good or bad. He can be very stubborn at at times to follow right rules when they do wrong things. Sometimes, he can be absent-mindedly deaf when you call his name.