Please Pray For Her.

She is my best friend, roommate and a confidante. It’s been two years and a half I guess since I talked to her personally. We never had that very long and personal conversation since she moved to University of


Best Honeymoon Destination

In the recent World Trade Fair, 2010 held in Shanghai, China, our pride Queen City of South Cebu City, Philippines won the Best Honeymoon Destination. It was declared after a public vote and a strict evaluation process undertaken by


Walk Like A Penguin.

Elijah started walking at the age of one year and one month. I am excited yet nervous about his first steps. He falls every time he attempts three or four steps. He’s too boastful that he didn’t want to


Tetanus Toxoid

During my pregnancy days, I was given three shots of Tetanus Toxoid. I didn’t pay for it because it was done at ATAB, a public health center. It will cost you P150 for a single shot of Tetanus Toxoid


I am a single-teen-wonder-mom

For most of my life, I didn’t think that I would be a parent this early. I had lived my life to the fullest during my no-son-responsibility years. I was only seventeen when I found out that I am