What is Newborn Screening?

Before the doctor allow us to go home, she recommended me to go to the nursery room and have my little boy’s newborn screening. At first, I really don’t know about it but my mom told me that it


premature babies

Premature babies are those who are born less than 37 weeks gestational age. While there are those extremely premature who are born between 24 and 28 weeks. There are factors to determine why some pregnancy leads to premature labor. A


Marriage and Communication

Marriage is a beautiful union between two individuals, built on love, trust, and mutual understanding. While these qualities are vital for a successful relationship, they cannot flourish without a solid foundation of effective communication. Communication acts as the lifeblood


Four Parenting Styles

Parenting is the rearing of a child or children by supporting their physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social needs. Experts believe that every parents fall into four different styles. The first  style is the Authoritarian Parenting. In this style,


Miscarriage Warning Signs

Miscarriage is often called spontaneous abortion. It is an unfortunate event to those who wants to have babies. Not all the signs of miscarriage result in miscarriage so be watchful because some of it’s signs are similar to pregnancy