R E S I K L O : A Fun Dining Restaurant

We were looking for a place to eat dinner on Kuya Olan’s birthday, but didn’t want to go to our usual places. I remembered there was a newly opened restaurant across Eurobake Malolos, so Ayie called ahead to make


Addressing Potential Drug Abuse at Home

A million reasons surround a teen’s choice to use drugs. Something is happening in their life that they are not discussing with anyone, perhaps they just don’t know how to talk about it. One of the first indicators that


Nutri 10 Plus Multivitamins Syrup

Last month, I was given the opportunity to receive a new brand of multivitamins for Elijah. It was very timely because he was about to finish his last bottle of Ceelin chewable when the package arrived. Nutri10 Plus syrup