9 Warning Signals of Cancer

 Change in bowel or bladder habits A sore that does not heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing Obvious change in wart or mole A nagging cough or


Easy ways to add value to your home

Whether you are planning to sell your house in the short term or simply want to know that you are adding value for the future, there are plenty of simple ways to improve both the interior and exterior of


9 Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

Lump in the Breast Unusual change in the size or shape of the breast One breast unusually lower than the other New dimpling in the nipple Puckering of the skin of the breast Swelling of the upper arm Change


How long does breast milk stay fresh?

Breast milk usually stays fresh depending on where you store it. Here are some temperature or storage and the time frame that your milk stays fresh. • If your milk is stored at a room temperature (not more than


Saving Wisely

Working on very long hours can be really exhausting. Most of the time, working parents find it hard to spend quality time with their kids. There are bills to pay, rooms to clean, clothes to wash, and so on and so