Is Horseback Riding Safe During Pregnancy?

Most doctors would say that horseback riding is not safe enough for you and your baby during your pregnancy. One of the main issues with riding a horse is the possibility of an accident. An accident can still happen even


Epidural: Pain Reliever

Epidural anesthesia is one of the most common medication used to help manage labor pain. Epidural provides analgesia that blocks the nerve impulses from the lower spinal segment that results to numbing of lower body. It is given during


The Fairy Hobmother

Who would have thought that after commenting on so many blogs, Fairy Hobmother will visit my blog too? Yay! This is fun. I can buy Elijah DC shoes and toys he wants from the Amazon store because I just


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

During my days, I don’t take even a single sip of alcoholic drinks. Though it was very late when I found out that I am pregnant with Elijah. Taking a risk won’t do anything, it will just lengthen my


Responsible Parent

There comes a point in your life when “FUN” no longer means bar hopping, clubbing, being out til 4am or drinking too much. It means board games, movies, going out for family dinners, bedtime stories, and sleeping in means


Cloth Diaper

Cloth diapers are used before disposable diapers were invented. Using cloth than disposable is much healthier than disposables. Using cloth diapers lessen the chance of having skin rashes because of the natural cotton fibers. Once the baby poops you can