Marital Fights

Marital conflicts are widespread as of today. Many of the marriages are not able to work primarily because of lack of respect and communication between both spouses. Because of their unresolved fights, it has been found out that about


The Lingerie Football League

When you think of people who play American Football you tend to think of the crowd being mostly made up of men. However there is a new sport in town and one that’s dominated by women. The Lingerie Football


Address Plaques

It is said that our home is the only place that we feel comfortable and can be ourselves that is why as much as possible we want it to look beautiful and pleasing to the eyes. It is also


St. Patrick’s Day with the Family

Megan Gates is an active blogger who provides written work to the blogosphere pertaining to NYC Rentals, Hamptons Homes for sale, home improvement and the latest architecture, design, fashion and travel. Follow her on twitter @MEGatesDesign. Don’t believe that


Hair Treatment While Breastfeeding

Women want to look beautiful during pregnancy or even after giving birth. The first thing they want to fix is the hair. I love to color my hair but stopped when I was pregnant with Elijah. Three months after


Postpartum Hair Loss

Losing 40-120 strands of hair a day is common and will be replaced by new hairs in the same follicle. If you are losing more than that then maybe it’s time to consult a doctor because something might be