Entering Motherhood.

Entering motherhood is not easy. I never knew how hard it is until I became pregnant. During those days I always cry, asking God why is he punishing me. I didn’t know what to do. I am hopeless, feel


Laboratory Tests

We all know that Elijah had been confined for three days in Baguio General hospital. He had to be positive in his stool analysis and urine test to be able to go home, luckily he did. We only pay


Not A Teen Anymore

My birthday is fast approaching, it’s the end of the month already and I will bid goodbye to a very fruitful month. Yes, I earned a lot this January than the past months. It’s not that high but with



Elijah, Lloyd and I went to the health center yesterday but found out that the phsysician wa not there. That was my fault. I should have known. I am attending my regular check-ups there but I still can’t remember


Dealing With Teething

Elijah is teething again and I am not shocked by the way he reacts with it. He cries all day and I can’t help but cry inside. I don’t know what to do. He cries from time to time


Weekend Blog Follower Caravan

This is my second time here in WBFC and I am expecting more followers and friends. 🙂 This meme really helps all my blog sites to shine. 🙂 Hihi. Weekend Blog Follower Caravan is a simple online blogger-helping-blogger weekly