Divorce and Separation

Having a divorce can be a difficult and rewarding experience to the couple. Difficult experience because after all those beautiful years together something happened that resulted in separation, rewarding for those who think their marriage gone wrong and won’t


To Go Back to School or Not?

I can’t see myself studying again at University of the Philippines Baguio. I still need three years to complete the course Social Anthropology and I don’t think I can study, work and take care of Elijah at the same


Child Growth and Development: 4-7 months

The time has finally arrived when you look forward to the changes your baby undergoes. At this period of time, rolling both ways is the obvious physical development milestone. The fun part here is developing this particular milestone. Try


Third Trimester of Pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is from week 28 to 42. This the the last trimester of pregnancy and your prenatal check up is weekly. During this period, the baby is becoming healthy, active and strong that is why


Repairing The House

I already know all the household chores and I can do it all by myself. I wanna learn how to repair the doorknob or faucet when they are not working. I cannot ask for help everytime something is broken.


Children Tip Toeing

My niece Svet who will turn four years old this coming May 1 is walking around the house on her tip toes a lot. My sister is bothered by this but Svet is only tip toeing when she is